Open Space: Magic is Around Us 天大地大: 魔法就在身邊,,,
Possibilities loops, yet it does not loop. Possibilities is about space. I was inspired by Yoko Ono’s Eye Blink, Zbigniew Rybczynski’s Tango, Duane Michals’ photo sequences and more. Ono's Eye Blink to me indicates eye blinking as a loop series: there is also something possible upcoming, the next possibilities, the play of time and space.
Zimu: Although “black” in the clip does not necessarily carry the connotation of pollution, danger and death, I cannot help but see the sensorial embodiment of a person dwelling in a catastrophic world, enduring it, embracing it. It also reminds me of a poetic documentary I recently saw on the long lasting traumatic effect of war in Syria and east Ukraine, titled This Rain will Never Stop. Black rain, just like the transparent rain, falls on us all earthlings. It takes sensitivity and courage to watch it closely, like the author did in this piece.
Yan: It took me a long while, and still, to think whether something is timeless, or clockless. Lately I revisited Chris Marker’s works again, it was then I recalled some loose fragments and thoughts viewing La Jetée for the first time back then in my sophomore year, about the eyes, and flights, and journeys interweaving one another.
Yan: They said light points us to a direction, yet what if we never need one? I remember there were days I would wander around the streets in late afternoons just to look at street lights. There is always a moment when the sky turns purplish orange, and those bulbs begin to spark, like stars.