- [2022/09/10] Floating Projects at Ars Electronica's State of the Art(ist) Live Session: Day 2 "State of Urgency" -- interview with Linda Lai and Michael Leung on D-Normal/V-essay
- [2022/08/23] D-Normal/V-Essay issues 1-4 is a Winner of Ars Electronica's "State of the Art(ist) 2022"
- [2021/03/21] WORKSHOP: D-Normal/V-Essay: Stop Motion workshop 定格動畫工作坊
- [2021/02/28] WORKSHOP: D-Normal/V-Essay: Motion picture film workshop | 電影菲林工作坊
- [2021/06/19] EVENT: D-Normal/V-essay expanded program in June 《平地數碼》六月膨脹學習見面系列
- [2021/06/12] WORKSHOP: D-Normal/V-Essay expanded: sound workshop | 據點《平地數碼》膨脹學習 - 聲音工作坊
- [2021/06/19] EVENT: D-Normal/V-Essay expanding... “Fresh Videos, In-depth Transformation" - 3 views on one's footprints 新鮮錄像:我的足印
- [2021/06/19] EVENT: D-Normal/V-Essay expanded meeting/learning series: Marathon Video Day: "Video Brushstrokes" |《平地數碼》膨脹學習見面系列錄像馬拉松「放映不足」
- [2021/06/13] EVENTt: D-Normal/V-Essay: A feast of videos, chill with Feaston 錄像盛宴
- [2020/11/04] Announcement: Arts Go Digital: Digital Normal/Video Essay, an on-line video magazine to launch「平地數碼」:多向創作,持續發表,深化「錄像文章」的開發